Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's over with!

Hey everyone!  Just wanted to let those who read this blog (I don't know if anyone even does), that my surgery went well.  I got it done yesterday afternoon at Lexington Hospital.  As it turns out, the ACL Reconstructive Surgery is the most painful surgery that they do at that hospital.  I was so nervous in pre-op that they had to give me a sedative to calm me down.  Then, they did a 'nerve block' on my whole left leg, which completely numbed it.  I don't remember too much after that.  They put me to sleep, and then I remember them trying to wake me up after surgery.  All in all, the surgery was a breeze.  The only issues I had with it was nausea.  After surgery, I drank some ginger ale and some water, and couldn't hold it down.  According to my surgeon, that's normal for people who've never had anesthesia before.

Today is day one of post-op.  I've had moderate to severe pain in my knee, mainly because they used my patellar tendon bone autograft, instead of a hamstring tendon autograft.  I have been prescribed to percocet and a nausea medicine (painkillers make me sick), which has been helping SO much.  My family has been so lovely to me.  They've been helping me out a LOT, which is making my recovery a lot smoother.  I'm supposed to take this knee immobilizer off twice a day and do knee exercises for 30 minutes.  I did some of that today, and it really made my knee feel good, surprisingly.

In 10-14 days, I have a follow-up appointment with my orthopaedist.  After the follow-up, he'll more than likely put me in a physical therapy program.  PT is the only thing that worries me.  I've never had it before, and I'm really afraid that it'll hurt bad.  Even if it does, I know it's intended to help strengthen my knee.

Thanks to EVERYONE who's supported me and prayed for me.  It all helped.  I know that I've got loving people around me to lift my spirits when they're down.  Thanks to all!

Have a safe, happy Halloween!


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